Here is the recording for the April webinar – motivating behaviour change. When you are mentoring and coaching understanding how to motivate someone is an important skill to possess. For a personal trainer/coach/nutritionist to advice a client is perfectly acceptable but how you go about offering that advice is crucial. Understanding how motivation is built with a client will mean that you can provide information and encouragement in a manner that will build intrinsic motivation.
The old idea that you can stand over someone and tell them how great they are doing or they just need to do a few more reps is a form of extrinsic motivation. Research shows that this is not a very effective technique and although it may garner results in the moment it will not ensure long term motivation for the client in trying to achieve their goals.
Coaching and mentoring requires a far more in depth understanding of behaviour change techniques and understanding motivation is just one of the techniques that trainers/coaches need to fully understand. Good communication is also a vital skill for any coach trainer to possess. The behaviour change and motivational interviewing workshop teaches these skills ensuring that trainers/coaches/nutritionists achieve better results with their clients. Using motivational interviewing skills will also improve client retention and also client acquisition.
This webinar explores some aspects of motivation and self-efficacy and offers some ideas as to how trainers/coaches/nutritionists can improve their clients’ motivation to want to make a lifestyle change. There are a few coaching basics in here and hopefully trainers of all skill levels will be able to take something away from this.
There are still spaces left on the behaviour change and MI workshop, full details: Click Here